Artistic Residency at the Art Center Laboral (Gijon)
A artistic-scientific study on algorithmic, somatic and acoustic utopian methodologies.
To see our work visit @
Artistic guerrilla interventions as part of the 24h Worldwide Peace Wave
coordinated by the International Peace Bureau
2023: Infographics, paper cranes, soundscapes, movement and Einstein
for world peace and nuclear abolishment.
Compilation (Spanish) of news and petitions of the pacifist movement,
especially regarding disarmament, the use of technology in war and
the abolishment of nuclear weapons.
Visit @
We have advocated for queerness, peace and technological/scientific responsability
through art, texts, movement, sound and other media in venues/events like:
our neighbourhoods, the Internet, Guggenheim Museum, Laboral Centro de Arte,
Conferences (SIBE, SEDEM, ...)